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Ways to Make New Friends as an Adult

Making friends as an adult poses unique challenges, from hectic schedules to social anxieties. However, with perseverance and the right approach, fostering meaningful friendships in adulthood is entirely achievable. Let's explore some key strategies to help you on your friendship-finding journey:

  1. Be Open-Minded and Put Effort Into Your New Friendships

Approach the process of making new friends with an open mind and a willingness to grow. Recognize that each new connection offers an opportunity for personal development and enrichment. Utilize social platforms and apps like VibeWith to expand your social circle and connect with like-minded individuals.

  1. Explore New Activities

Be adventurous and open to trying new things. Engaging in activities that pique your interest can lead to meeting like-minded individuals who share your passions. Consider joining clubs, classes, or hobby groups to expand your social horizons, whether it’s joining a gym, taking workshops, or attending local events.

  1. Engage with Your Community

people in a social setting

Get involved in your local community by attending events, volunteering, or joining social clubs and organizations. This can be a great way to meet people who share your interests and values while also making a positive impact in your community. Consider using platforms like Meetup to find relevant groups and events nearby.

  1. Utilize Your Existing Network

Don’t underestimate the power of your current social circle. Reach out to friends, acquaintances, and colleagues who may be able to introduce you to new people or recommend social events and gatherings.

  1. Practice Vulnerability

Authenticity is key to building deep and meaningful connections. Don’t be afraid to show your true self and share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences with others. Vulnerability can be a powerful tool for building trust and strengthening relationships.


“It’s never been easier to meet people and make new friends, but it’s also never been harder to form meaningful friendships” award-winning speaker Shasta Nelson, from Frientimacy

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