Tips on how to further friendships on friendship app

In today's digital age, it's easier than ever to meet new people and strike up conversations, whether online or on the street. However, taking these initial interactions and turning them into deep, meaningful friendships often requires more effort and intentionality. It’s common for conversations to end with "keep in touch" and then fizzle out. If this pattern keeps repeating, with only meeting new friends and swiping, it can feel quite exhausting. Are there any tips to deepen our friendships? 

1. Practice Being an Initiator

Often, conversations end withkeep in touchand then fizzle out. Try to be an initiator. Don’t wait for the other person to reach out—send the first message, suggest the first meetup, and follow up after your interactions. Or you may want to try AI tool like VibeBot in VibeWith to keep the conversations going or initiate a new topic. Adult friendships take time, and of course, there needs to be a concerted effort on both ends to make it work. If it doesn’t work, move forward.

2. Avoid Over-Communicating

While it’s important to stay in touch, balance is key. Avoid overwhelming your new friend with too many messages. Give them space to respond and reciprocate their interest. 

3. Combine Conversations with Activities

Sometimes, we just don’t feel like talking or texting. Incorporate fun activities like trivia games or challenges within the app. This way, you can interact and bond without the need for constant conversation. VibeWith’s interactive features ensure there’s always something engaging to do together. Or even ask VibeBot; he may have some ideas for you to further your conversations.

4. Maintain Active Interest Groups

One-on-one conversations might not always sustain momentum. Being part of an interest group(s) can alleviate pressure and provide more opportunities for interaction. For example, if you both love food, join a foodies group on VibeWith. You can share where to have good food, or free foods. Share updates, plan group activities, create polls and give likes and reactions to others’ posts. This keeps the group lively and your friendship engaged.

5. Utilize Nearby and Free Events

Finding common activities can be a great way to bond. VibeWith can recommend nearby events and activities based on your shared interests. If you both enjoy music, for instance, it might suggest a free concert happening in your area. These recommendations make it easy to plan meetups around activities you both enjoy.

6. Celebrate Milestones Together

Adult friendships take time and effort from both sides. Use VibeWith to track your friendships and celebrate milestones.

7. Understand That It Takes Time

Building a deep friendship, especially as an adult, requires patience. It won’t happen overnight. Regular interaction, shared activities, and mutual effort are essential. Keep in mind that if you’re not in an environment where you see the same people regularly, like college, it will take longer to develop a friendship with depth. 

Building and deepening friendships requires more than just initial meetings and casual conversations. It involves consistent effort, shared experiences, and mutual interest. Remember, it takes time and effort, but the reward of a meaningful friendship is well worth it.

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